I was down near Adams & Western when what to my wondering eyes did appear but a fast burning fire that sent smoke in the air...
The fire soon became the center of attention across the city...
For job-related reasons I had to head west while the fire burned. Looking skyward as I and my work partner drove along Jefferson Boulevard, an oily, brackish cloud broke off from the main plume and headed south, then hovered for a time before it was slowly inhaled into the lungs of my fellow Angelenos.
My favorite image: An L.A. Metro Hospital sign (this facility is where a lot of patients from skidrow end up) in the foreground, smoke from the fire deep in the background, and inbetween on the lower right a grinning skull bearing witness to all. Definitely an L.A. moment!
Fellow Atwater Village blogger Atwater Village Newbie has a post up with images taken from a closer perspective. Nicely done, AVN!
Mine fire photo is at http://jimsonweed.blogspot.com/