The Thugs on the Plane With This and That
I went on the plane
to visit the stars
to fly high above
the cantankerous cars
but once aloft
I happened to spy
thugs in the darkness
eating my apple pie
Avast! ye thuggers!
And avaunt too!
I cried and I cried
And I also boo-hoo’d.
They paid me no heed
nor did they stop with their eating
America’s pie
was taking a beating!
I leapt to the aisle
and called them to task
Demons! I cried
and drank from my flask
Demons! I yelled
but to no avail
they paid me no heed
I feared I had failed
But hope springs eternal
and for me a lot more
I found deep within me
a powerful core
The pie is for freedom!
The pie is for me!
You can sell it on eBay
for ten thousand and three!
And that is the what
of how I saved Jesus
and Moses, and Epstein
who so often teased us
The thugs they did quiver
and dared not respond
but alas, it was clear
the pie was all gone