I Gotta Do Something Different

Song Lyrics for a Fool Like Me

i gotta do something different
it's time i got a new gig
what i'm doing right now makes me weary
it takes away my zag and zig

i don't want to win the lottery
that would just make me depressed
how can you get your act together
when someone else cleans up your mess?

the world is in hunger and trouble
in the night it tosses and turns
we're only here a short while
like the sun all we touch starts to burn

oh, fuckity fuckity fuck fuck
oh, god dig diggity damn
ah, fuckity fuckity fuck fuck
i still want to hold your hand
my love
i still want to hold your hand

i could ask god to give me a food cart
a glorious, neat little shack
make comfort food a liturgy
and sell jesus as a tasty snack

i peer out the window in sorrow
i squint right into the fog
all that i see is a big mystery
soon after i howl with the dogs

(repeat chorus)

maybe i should capture weasels
and train them to work and pray
yes, it would be bloody pointless
that's a risk i'll just have to take

why is meaning so elusive?
why do morons keep running the world?
stupid questions are my forte
i'm still in love with a beautiful girl

(repeat chorus)

i could ask god to give me a food cart
a glorious, neat little shack
make comfort food a liturgy
and sell jesus as a tasty snack

i peer out the window in sorrow
i squint right into the fog
all that i see is a big mystery
soon after i howl with the dogs

(repeat chorus)

i gotta do something different
it's time i got a new gig
what i'm doing right now makes me weary
it takes away my zag and zig

i don't want to win the lotto
that would just make me depressed
how can you get your act together
when someone else cleans up your mess?

the world is in hunger and trouble
in the night it tosses and turns
we're only here a short while
like the sun all we touch starts to burn

(repeat chorus)


barryshap said…
Yee Haw!