Happy Mother's Day

mother earth and mother sky
mother heart and mother sigh
mother birth and mother eyes
mother all, mother wise

the power of the female form
the goddess lives
the goddess born
an ancient partner
sweet adorned
the womb of all
beyond all scorn
the power of the female form

mother earth and mother sky
mother heart and mother sigh
mother birth and mother eyes
mother all, mother wise

in the spring she flowers
in the summer laughs
in the fall her bounty
she's with you till the last
and when you have grown cold
she'll hold you in her grasp

the power of the female form
the goddess lives
the goddess born
an ancient partner
sweet adorned
the womb of all
beyond all scorn
the power of the female form

mother earth and mother sky
mother heart and mother sigh
mother birth and mother eyes
mother all, mother wise


The Opinuary Column will appear again next week (surely an Opinion will have died by then).

