Don't Demand Representative Government!

Don't ask questions about your religion, your food, your rights, your bad habit of voting against your economic interests! Don't ask why a woman shouldn't have sovereignty over her own body! Don't ask why being patriotic means we must continue to pollute the air, the water and our bodies! Don't ask why the interstate highways, police, fire and the military are all "socialized!" Don't ask why a fat, drug-addled draft-dodger makes millions of dollars while telling you to be angry and ready to explode! Don't trust anyone, anywhere, at any time, for you will be sorry you did! Don't ask why killing brown people in other countries will make you safe! Don't see the Other as you would see yourself! Don't let other people have equal rights! Don't think beyond the Bling! Don't listen to the beat of a different drummer: listen to the one who bangs really, really hard and makes you want to kill! Don't organize, except to chase away people who are brown and thirsty! Don't run for the border! Don't respect others! Don't show compassion and mercy--we are at war with compassion and mercy! Don't go to a National Park without your guns! Don't do too much meth or you won't get to work on Monday! Don't mistake diplomacy for murder! Don't eat the children at the first sign of trouble! Don't ever, ever think of the words "context" or "metaphor." Don't ever trust yourself, except enough to know that you should only trust me! Don't ever, ever feel empathy--I mean it! Don't do any of it! Don't! Don't! Don't!


Paid for by the Committee to Keep You Poor & Pissed Off...

