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The Official Corporate House of Representatives' Secret Handshake (see above) is often performed while one or both participating members sing "You Make Me Feel So Young":

You make me feel so young
You make me feel like spring has sprung
Every time I see you grin
I’m such a happy individual

The moment that you speak
I want to go and play hide-and-seek
I want to go and bounce the moon
Just like a toy balloon

You and I, are just like a couple of tots
Running across the meadow
Picking up lots of forget-me-nots

You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
Bells to be rung, and a wonderful fling to be flung

And even when I’m old and gray
I’m gonna feel the way I do today
’cause you make me feel so young

Writer(s): Myrow/Gordon


Image from here.

People who enjoy sausage and/or how bills are passed in Congress should put hot coals up the House of Representatives' collective ass and see if either comes out.

No, I'm not bitter, I'm zesty!


Update: Shame, shame, shame...Damn these assholes past the provinces of god.

