(The following nursery rhymes were inspired by General JC Christian:
He is, however, not responsible for the content and should
not be hauled into court)


Georgie Porgie, meatloaf and mud
Kissed a cow and touched its cud
When the cow turned out to be a horse who was gay
Georgie Porgie said “Too bad you’re not a whore too,
then I could get you two double-plus good years of
day passes.”


How many miles to Babylon?
Three score and ten.
Can we blow it up?
Aye, again and again.
If your guns are nimble and light,
You can blow it up tonight.


Jack Sprat ate lots of fat
His wife ate bacon grease
Betwixt the two of them
The Lord is very pleased


Jack, be manly,
Jack, be quiet,
If it’s dirty
Jack will try it.


Ding, dong, bell
Prisoner’s in the well

Who put him in?
Sergeant of the men

Who pulled him out?
The SCL & M

What a naughty press was that
To try and report that darn fact

I fear the press has lost its charm
And now it means our soldiers harm


Hush, little child, don't be afraid
Mama's gonna stick you in Abu Grahib

If Abu Grahib makes you ill
Mama will enjoy a sadistic thrill

If that thrill is caught on tape
Mama's gonna claim it was all date-rape

If that date-rape meme won’t float
Mama's gonna read you My Pet Goat

If My Pet Goat makes you want to soil it
Flush the Koran down in the toilet

If the toilet chokes and gags
That's because our Lord hates fags

If our Lord gets real depressed
Mama’s gonna give you a litmus test

If you fail though still a babe
You'll go back to Abu Grahib



Anonymous said…
Bah Bah red sheep
Have you any wool,
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for his bitch,
But none for my little boy
Who thinks he'll get rich.

Rah Rah red sheep
How you love the bull,
Oh yeah, oh yeah, we're never full;
More for the master,
All to the rich,
But none for my little boy
Who'll die in a ditch.

Blah Blah red sheep
Do you have no shame,
Can't see, can't see, we're not to blame;
Caus' its one for the boss
Whats left for the cross
But none for you're little boy
Who'll starve from your loss.