Congratulations to parents at Garfield High School in Seattle. According to an article in the Christian Science Monitor school PTA members voted to deny recruiters the right to enter the campus and fish for cannon fodder for Bush's War Machine Dream Team World Tour.

Garfield High School took a decisive step last week with a vote of 25 to 5 to adopt a resolution that says "public schools are not a place for military recruiters."

You can't bring a gun to school so why would we allow a teenager to be approached by a recruiter who will talk about giving guns to teenagers?

From the recruting perspective: Douglas Smith, a US Army spokesman, said the job of recruiters is not to make promises but to show applicants possibilities and career options.

Career shot at or blown up in Iraq fighting a war based on bald-faced lies or go to the beach...hmmm.



Anonymous said…
Psst, hey, kid, you like guns, right? Yeah, dam pansy ass teachers. Look, I can get your hands on real guns. No, not that crap ass duck hunting stuff your dad uses on tin cans when he is drunk. I mean real guns. Guns that can hit the side of a city from 25 mile away and blow up the whole county and their pansy ass teachers in one shot. Yup, 50 miles of instant stone age in a second. ....
Anonymous said…
This'll prolly end up leading to a "when you grow up" edumacational congressional device-thingamajig legislation leading to some of the following possible curricula:

* Killing and getting killed - it's a choice you'll make everyday when you grow up...
* Sell your soul to the big corporations so that one day you too can rip off the American tax-paying consumer, ship your winnings off shore, and get a cabinet appointment from the War Preznit when you grow up.
* That whole intercourse thing that you'll do when you grow up...
* Have your own refrigerator, when you grow up.
* Wish you were a kid again...
stc said…
They could just do like they did in Texas and threaten to send 'em to jail for not signing up